Friday, March 20, 2015

Homemade Ginger Powder

Ginger are spicy, aromatic and nice flavor on smell and taste which are uniques. It's bring health benefits for our body too.

Ground Ginger Powder can be useful  and easier for marinate, steam, cooking and even making ginger tea.

No Oil recipes

Here my version on making Ginger Powder:

Clean the dirt on the ginger skin with brush.

Slice the Ginger with mandoline slicer

Cut to thin julienne slice

Place Slice ginger to Baking Cage.
Use "Bake", Rotating mode 130deg., 1 Hour. 
Cool completely. Blend baked ginger to Powder form.

Sieve the blended ginger form to avoid lumpy ginger.

Final Result!

Can start to use for my cooking journey!

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